
Who is Peter Hoedemakers ?

Peter is professor at the Karel de Grote-University College in Antwerp, Belgium.

He teaches business processes, ERP and supply chain management to bachelors in Business Management.

Additionally he works as independent counsellor for companies in the domain of process improvement.


More than 25 years of business acumen in purchase, planning, distribution and ERP project management

are packed in the education materials.


In a rapidly changing environment, there is a need for solid business competence:

This is the trinity of:

1. Project management

2. Improvement methods, e.g. Lean with VSM or BPMN

3. Subject matter expertise: in-depth process knowledge


Basic processes such as sales, purchase, distribution, production, planning and also forecasting are reviewed. Not one standard but many variations reveal the complexity of the reality we live in.

These materials are meant to inspire anyone who is eager to work on processes in organisations.


Janssen Pharmaceutica,

part of J&J

Project management Distribution

Key user & project manager SAP

GMP & CSV Validation

Green Belt 6 sigma

Black Belt Lean

Programme Management CSU

Panasonic Batteries:

Replenishment planning.

Purchasing of trade goods.

Project management MFG PRO.