

The English and Dutch versions of the book Business Processes are both used at KdG in Antwerp. Students in International Business, Logistics and Entrepreneurial Management (KMO) use the content to understand SAP.

Since September 2016, Thomas More University College located in Mechelen, uses the Dutch version of Business Processes to elaborate understanding of how companies operate. This is integrated in a logistics curriculum

At Artevelde University College, Ghent, the book Business Processes as well as the L2E-educards explain the basics of ERP. Artevelde applies this to SAP. Both logistics as well as international business curricula use it during the course Operational Excellence.

HAN uses Business Processes as part of the curriculum update for ICT-students focusing on Process Analysis and improvement

In Lithuania, professor Irena Patasiena: "Thank you very much for your good book.

I used your book in December. It was very useful for my students."

A series of train the trainer sessions have taken place for more than 100 instructors in Business Processes. Inspiring instructors to help unemployed people move faster to the job market.

VDAB is market leader in trainings for the unemployed in the Flemish part of Belgium.